Programa de formación 2017

TRI® is proud to present a global education program for 2017 covering different topics, countries and education channels. We look forward to meet you all around the world! For further questions please do not hesitate to contact

Fecha Tema Ponente Lugar Registrarse
03.11.17 TRI® Performance Day Manchester Dr. Peter Fairbairn Manchester (UK) registrarse
13.-18.11.17 Soft Tissue Management (Module 1/2/3) Dr. Marius Steigmann Heidelberg (DE) fully booked
23.-25.11.17 Master Course University Zurich Prof. Ch. Hämmerle / Prof. R. Jung Zurich (CH) registrarse
03.-10.12.17 International Practical Course of Implantology various Dominican Republic registrarse
07.-08.12.17 Advanced All-on-TRI® Course Dr. Luis Bessa / Holger Kast Zurich (CH) registrarse

Fecha Tema Ponente Lugar Registrarse
22.11.2017 TRI® Performance Day Zürich Dr. Marco Zeltner Zürich (CH) registrarse

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Fecha Tema Ponente Lugar Registrarse

Fecha Tema Ponente Lugar Registrarse

Fecha Tema Ponente Lugar Registrarse