TRI® BoneAdapt
High Primary Stability due to Tapered Implant Design
The TRI dental implant body was designed to provide maximum bone adaptation across the different bone regions along the implant. At the top of the implant, the reverse-tapered neck design reduces forces on crestal bone and platform switching. The groove right below the its neck into which all three threads lead, allows for Boneshifting®, a better force distribution under the bone crest. Furthermore, the macro-threads design of the cervical area exhibits a square-thread pattern which minimizes stress and cortical load, thus better protecting the cortical bone. The well-proven standard 60 degree threads finally increase bone surface area in the spongiosa for optimal bone-to-implant contact.
Improved Secondary Stability due to 44% more Implant Surface Area
Besides an optimized primary stability, the TRI BoneAdapt implant design features a 44% increased implant surface area in comparison to cylindrical implants. This guarantees a wider spread osseointegration process and therefore an enhanced biological secondary stabiloty. Combined, the improved primary and secondary stability lead to an optimized overall implant stability during the entire osseointegration process with the TRI BoneAdapt implant design.

TRI® Scientific Whitepaper
Read more about the ongoing study: PDF